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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: is it possible in pl/sql?
Gosh, the original programmer was somewhat confused about what they are doing and/or coding in general and/or coding in pl/sql.
Try something like this:
CURSOR c_user_tables IS
SELECT table_name FROM mytables ;
stmnt VARCHAR2(4000);
FOR x IN c_user_tables LOOP
stmnt := 'UPDATE myTables SET new_rows = '
|| '(SELECT COUNT(1) ' || 'FROM ' || x.table_name || ') ' || 'WHERE table_name = ''' || x.table_name || '''';EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmnt;
I leave it to you to handle the situation where a table name is in mytables that doesn't exist or the user doesn't have update access to it or is missing the synonym to it.
See my inline comments about the original code.
-----Original Message-----
From: Guang Mei <>
Sent: Feb 9, 2005 1:16 PM
To: "''" <>
Subject: is it possible in pl/sql?
FOR x IN c_user_tables LOOP
>Is there a way to get rid off the cursor looping. And
Yes, you could build a function that returns the count given a table_name. It will have dynamic sql in it (or a darned long hard-coded if-statement that would defeat the purpose of mytables.
You can either hard-code it or use dynamic sql. You can use sql to write the hard-coded version, but it becomes obsolete as soon as the contents of my_tables changes.
I suggest you get over it and embrace dynamic sql. It's very easy nowadays, unlike when it first came out.
2. I don't want to analyze user_tables
You don't have to. It's a view anyway, so I'm not sure that would be useful. :) Never tried to do that!
3. I want to update myTables is one sql statment, prefer using static sql.
Yes, you could hard-code the table names, but that would defeat the purpose of holding the table names in mytables.
If there's another way, I would ***dearly*** like to know about it. I would bow down to the sql master!
-- on Wed Feb 09 2005 - 20:07:13 CST
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