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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: PERMISSIONS: Viewing, Altering and executing stored procedures/packages/functions
Hi there Mark
you are correct, i was wrong. i tested it and as you said, having execute does not give permission to alter, what the problem was a dba role granted to a role that the users in question had.
figured out what was going once i wrote a little ddl audit package that started showing they were alrering packages they were not suppose to after we had some funnies on the system...
From: on behalf of Powell, Mark D
Sent: Mon 2005/02/07 04:50 PM
To: Oracle L (E-mail)
Subject: RE: PERMISSIONS: Viewing, Altering and executing stored procedures/packages/functions
George, I am a little confused as since when did having the EXECUTE
privilege give a user/developer the privilege to CREATE OR REPLACE a
procedure. You need the userid/password of the procedure owner or the
CREATE ANY PROCEDURE for that. I think you are looking at the wrong
privilege as being the problem.
HTH -- Mark D Powell --
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Leonard, George
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 7:32 AM
To: rjamya
Cc: Oracle L (E-mail); Desplace, Laura
Subject: RE: PERMISSIONS: Viewing, Altering and executing stored
Now that I think about it, the view covers the viewing of code, but does not do anything for the problem if they can execute code they can alter it and this is one of our big problems...
=20________________________________________________George Leonard
-----Original Message-----
From: rjamya []=20
Sent: 07 February 2005 14:03 PM
To: Leonard, George
Cc: Oracle L (E-mail); Desplace, Laura
Subject: Re: PERMISSIONS: Viewing, Altering and executing stored
create a system owned view dba$source as select * from xxx_source and then allow developers select from it. In fact, create a private synonym for each of them ...
create or replace duh_1.dba_source for system.dba$source /
create or replace duh_1.all_source for system.dba$source /
That should do the trick ... then you don't have to give 'execute any' privilege, just select on dba$source will do.
On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:10:48 +0200, Leonard, George
<> wrote:
> Hi all
>=20> --
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