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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: How to trace what is happening inside the stored procedure
> the action parameter - due to Oracle's immense
> shortsightedness - is only 32 bytes long.
> And the module is only a little more: 48
> Why would anyone go to the lengths of making this available
> and then brain damage it with a ridiculously small text size
> is beyond me.
Could it be because Oracle doesn't want to grow the sessions fixed array too large?
As one possdible workaround, you could write and use a wrapper for dbms_application_info package which stores only shorter (but also human readable) codes in v$session and v$session_longops fields and which stores the real code descriptions in a lookup table. That way if a developer instruments code with a module name or action, it's looked up from the table by the wrapper, if there doesn't exist a such description, it's created...
-- on Sun Feb 06 2005 - 08:58:39 CST