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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Oracle 8i export to Oracle 9i import.
I need to migrate my production database from Oracle 8i to my new Oracle
9i database server. One problem I'm having is that the directory
structure on the new server is different than the old server. So when
the import tries to create the TEMP_TS or RBS DBFs we get an error that
it doesn't exist. Then because it failed to build TEMP the user imports
fail because it can't grab the TEMP_TS tablespace for their temporary
tablespace. I could just export/import the tables piecemeal but I would
rather do a full imp/exp so we can get the grants, triggers etc. Is
there a workaround for this?
Sean Jaehne
-- on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 16:49:12 CST