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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Microsoft Windows, will rule in the next 8 years in the marke t
I liked the default configuration in an earlier version of SuSE Linux, whereby if an X server was started up while running as root, the background color was red and a skull and crossbones image was displayed while the desktop was initialized. It was a strong reminder that you were doing a Bad Thing. Most utilities running in X (at least KDE, Gnome) will prompt for the root password if it is needed. Now, this may be a possible exploit vector for a future piece of Linux malware, but that least it gets people out of the habit of logging on as root to run apps.
btw - I actually use the "runas" command in win32 to say make a modification to a configuration file that is owned by the install group which the dba group does not have change/write access.
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 17:49:35 +0000, David Sharples
<> wrote:
> thats a story in bad management, not a good OS.
> You know if you leave windows alone and do nothing do it, chances are
> it will stay up.
> I have never understodd the OS war, its just a tool to do your job.
> Use what you have an what you feel best working with. leave others to
> do the same
> Whats good for you, isn't good for someone else.
> PLus i'd also like to see the security model of Linux when you think
> it will be on everyone desktops and people want to get into it. I bet
> people will do everything as root if they had it on a desktop, which
> is the main reason windows people get done - by running as
> administrator all the time
-- on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 13:08:14 CST