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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: how to monitor the progress of inserts
Hi Niall, yes I read, she said
"We are nserting large amonts of data in one session without commiting =
because of business reasons.=20
So, I'm wondering is there a way to monitor progress of this inserts?"
And I said
"Hi in 10g is automatic, In 9i I never tried but enablig monitoring to
the table, it will update statistics, of deletes and inserts, but
maybe will need to comit.
If it not works you can try a t rigger updating a a temporary table,
per statement, not per row."
what she needs are ideas, now I don't know if in that moment she is the only user using that table, for example, in that situation this could help, maybe not. I think to update statistics oracle needs to commit.
I'm only giving an idea, maybe this could help maybe not :)
-- on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 12:14:10 CST