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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: How can I get the DD,MM, YYYY part of the every day in a duration of 10 years
I did try that with no sucess.
Can you explain me better please?
Ant=F3nio Trindade
-----Mensagem original-----=20 De: em nome de Martic Zoran=20 Enviada: ter 01-02-2005 10:45=20 Para:; Cc:=20 Assunto: Re: How can I get the DD,MM, YYYY part of the every day in a =duration of 10 years
Hi Sanjay,
Something like this should do it for you =09
select to_date(:1,'DD MM YYYY') + rownum from xxx,xxx where rownum < (:2 - :1) =09 You need to replace :1 and :2 as binds for your dates. =09 Will cover up to 1M days. xxx is just a table with 1000 rows from 1 to 1000. =09 Regards, Zoran =09 --- wrote: =09
> Hi,
> I want to generate one script which can return me
> dd,mm , yyyy part of every day for a duration, for
> example ..
> if I start from Jan 01,1999 to jan 01, 2010 then
> wanted the record for every day..
> 01 01 1999
> 02 01 1999
> ....
> till
> 01 01 2010..
> this will be used to create one time dimension..
> Regards
> Sanjay
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-- on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 07:03:35 CST