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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Microsoft Windows, will rule in the next 8 years in the marke t
I believe as long as it's perceived by career-minded managers that windows
is less of a risk for their careers than alternatives, Windows will rule in
the corporate setting.
In many cases if a manager says they are planning to purchase a windows server, nobody challenges it during meetings. If someone says we're buying an linux/unix/vms/whatever (os/2? Ha) server, then suddenly they are on the defensive and have to justify their decision. Whenever you want to do something slightly different it's a change and people want to know why you're deviating from the norm.
Even if later, if you have to reboot for no apparent reason, people accept it as normal.
My wife (not IT shop) told people where she works that computers are not supposed to have bugs in them, they are supposed to work as intended. People are so used to computer problems that they thought she was from the planet Mars or something. Most people assume now that computers necessarily have to become a full-time hobby; that they do not work reliably; that you have to pay for software upgrades; etc. etc. It's amazing to me that they think it's normal. Imagine if their toaster or their oven was like that, it would be in the garbage in the blink of an eye.
It's kind of sad because I like unix.
-- on Mon Jan 31 2005 - 18:08:26 CST
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