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Oracle-L: by subject
- [VulnWatch] Multiple high risk vulnerabilities in Oracle RDBM S 10g/9i
- _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc must be between 4000 and 0 in oracle 10G
- Add a line between sql statment
- Archiving events (#20 error) sent to W2K event viewer - application log
- audit suggestion
- Deja vu ... anyone ??
- does anybody recomends using dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats with for columnns size skewonly
- Empty Table
- How does one escape special characters
- intel clusters in a box
- Killing process in Linux with all child processes. What is the best way?
- Load XML into relational stucture
- ORa-4030 on
- oracle 10g install problem
- PostgreSQL gains momentum
- RMAN Backup Question
- Rollback segments not shrinking
- Setting extent size for locally managed TEMP tablespace
- Shared pool from 8i to 9i
- Sorbanes Oxley for dummies? -- more questions
- SV: Empty Table
- uuencode/uudecode + Oracle
- Which plan is better - what COST really means ?
- XMLType speed
- Last message date: Mon Jan 24 2005 - 22:05:13 CST
- Archived on: Mon Jan 31 2005 - 22:59:01 CST