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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Dependency tree of packages/procedures and functions
First question is why? Let the DB track the dependencies; it's good at it.
Letting humans do it is error prone and painful.
Tracking dependencies from front/middle layers to Oracle -- dependencies Oracle is not aware of -- that is a good idea.
That said, I did encounter a similar situation to yours in my early years with pl/sql where I coded all my constants in a single package named "C". Big mistake. In the end everything depended on this package and any new additions would cause a 10-15 downtime when moving in enhancements/fixes due to all the recompilation. This was a 24X7 application, so what a mistake.
The fix was to break the package up, keeping related constants in module-specific package specs.
If you still insist on a tree, you may derive from benefit by tweaking this code to operate in a loop on every object in your database. It's a little dated, so no guarantees...
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Leonard, George
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:35 AM
To: Oracle-L Freelists
Subject: Dependency tree of packages/procedures and functions
Hi all
Hope you can help.
As with all big projects our developers forgot to listen to us when we asked them to keep a dependency tree what calls what.
Now we are busy going into pre-prod etc and get asked to move Package A, doing this nicely goes and breaks half the world down the line,
I would like to run something against the database (packages, procedures and functions) to generate a dependency list.
Any ideas what is out there that can do this (freeware prepared), any output acceptable.
George Leonard
Oracle Database Administrator
New Dawn Technologies @ Wesbank
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