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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: JDBC Thin and SQL*Net encryption
It's still possible to do with JDBC thin and Oracle ASO.
You will use package to set properties and
open a DB connection with that properties object.
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
props.put("", "REQUIRED"); props.put("", "RC4_40 "); props.put("","REQUESTED"); props.put("", " MD5 "); props.put("user", "scott"); props.put("password","tiger");
Connection conn =
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 08:23:05 -0000, Johnson, George <> wrote:
> We have been told by our auditors, that all SQL*Net traffic must now
> be encrypted to prevent snooping! We have one or two commercial JDBC apps
> using Thin connection methods. I suspect the answer is no, but other than
> programmatically within the code, is there any way to allow JDBC thin apps
> to utilise encrypted SQL*Net links to the DB listeners? I know OCI can as it
> gets to read the SQLNET.ORA configuration, but if I understand correctly,
> thin is entirely "standalone".
> Apologies in advance, I have only recently started "playing" with
> JDBC coding for my personal interest, so my knowledge of the technology may
> not be entirely correct.
> Rgds
> George J
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-- on Thu Dec 23 2004 - 14:44:10 CST
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