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- ASM Startup Help!
- asynchronous multi-master replication
- Bind Variable -- Implicit Cursor
- CTX_DDL question
- dump reading
- Huy-Luan LE/siege/spietrindel/SPIE est absent(e).
- I was surprised, thought I'd share...
- Inactive users
- Is this SQL Possible??
- Optimum parameters
- osh
- research on schema design
- Rman io done waits and the rate parameter
- Stored outline problems
- To foreign key or not to foreign key
- using long in a ref cursor out to jsp
- Virtualized Computing
- Last message date: Mon Dec 20 2004 - 23:58:05 CST
- Archived on: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 21:39:01 CST