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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Script to get ddl from constraints (and its dependants ) including foreign keys to recreate
I've tried DDL Wizard.. Quite extensivley.. We distribute it.. ;)
You can output all FK constraints etc only. You can list all of the dependants as well..
One of the best ways of doing this is creating an HTML repository of all of your DDL, and then referencing the dependant objects from there. Here's a quick example:
Here you can drill down in to all of the foreign keys ("Const(FK)s"), and from there on down to the DDL and dependant objects. It would be very easy to navigate through this to find all of the dependant DDL based upon the foreign key DDL, as you can see.
Plus you get yourself a nice schema documentation to boot. You could store this on your local machine, or upload it to your intranet.. This is all done with an export taken with "rows=n". I know of no way quicker of getting to DDL (once generated).
It's Free! ;)
Cool-Tools UK Limited
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Post, Ethan
Sent: 17 December 2004 16:15
To: Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco;
Subject: RE: Script to get ddl from constraints (and its dependants )
including foreign keys to recreate
Have not tried ddl wizard but I would think it might have an option to specify what you want extracted right? Have you checked it out?
-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco []=20
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 10:09 AM
To: Post, Ethan;
Subject: RE: Script to get ddl from constraints (and its dependants )
including foreign keys to recreate
No, but I only want a ddl to extract a contraints and all its
dependants, I think there must be one tested somewhere , but the problem
is I can't find it. I don't want something to get all the ddls. Only the
specific to one constraint. I'm busy and want to save time. =20 Juan
Carlos Reyes Pacheco OCP
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