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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: statspack
its possible the numbers are overlapping each other (i.e you are
generating more than the stats limit so it goes funny). Have seen
this when the snap interval was too high, try knocking it down to 15
minutes (an hour is too high anyway)
On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 08:27:59 -0600, aj wells <> wrote:
> Okay... more creativity...
> I have a multi TB database ( that is pulling statspack stats every hour.
> For the first hundred hours of the massive load into these tables, the
> statspack report shows HUGE undo bytes written (which I would expect)
> excpet they are negative numbers. negative 3 billion, negative 2
> billion... with trans table gets along the same lines (negative
> millions), wraps, shrinks and extends are all negative.... even when
> the undo bytes written are positive, the others are all negative.
> Huh?
> Pointers to docs (google isn't a whole lot of help... metalink keeps
> sending me the stupid VMS docs and links to regular information). I
> would just as soon not have to log an itar on this if anyone has a
> clue what might be going on.
> Thanks...
> aj
> --
-- on Mon Nov 15 2004 - 08:34:41 CST