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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: for win32
A simple solution:
Go into the registry (local machine/software/microsoft/msdtc/mtxoci) and change the settings for Oraclexalib, Oraclesqllib and Oracleocilib to anything but the Oracle software. Reboot the machine and then do your Oracle install. This will prevent these dll's from being loaded. After install, update these to the new versions (oraclient9.dll,orasql9.dll and oci.dll). Again reboot the machine to get these loaded and you should be all set.
Good Luck!
Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional
-----Original Message-----
From: Freeman, Donald []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 10:42 AM
To: Oracle-L (E-mail)
Subject: for win32
This thing is ticking me off. I'm working on my 2nd of a bunch server = and have disabled the distributed transaction coordinator and have = downloaded and installed handle. I had a problem even before I got the = inventory loaded. I couldn't get products.xml loaded because it was = locked. I canceled that action and moved on. Now I am having trouble = with "D:\oracle\ora92\bin\ORAPLS9.DLL." Handle doesn't see anything = locking this file. I successfully changed the name of the file so I = can't see what would have it locked. My experience now is looking like = my experience yesterday. I'm going to bounce the server, the Windows = solution for nearly anything, and see what happens. =20
-----Original Message-----
From: Niall Litchfield []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: for win32
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 09:12:39 -0500, Freeman, Donald <>
> The number of responses I have gotten on this on and off-line =
indicates =3D
> it happens a lot. Niall, maybe this would be a good subject for a =3D
> thorough thrashing on paper. How to identify and fix?
I tend to agree. For the time being *all* threads that mention win32 platforms in someway get starred in my gmail account.
Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA
-- -- on Tue Nov 09 2004 - 09:43:38 CST
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