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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: for win32
As Paul mentioned, has utility called "listdlls.exe" which has come very handy for us to identify which Oracle dlls are in use, and patches can't be applied.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Freeman, Donald
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 3:20 PM
To: Paul Drake; Freeman, Donald
Subject: RE: for win32
There were a lot of locked files. I could dig out the list from the =3D logfile but it was 10 or more. Can this thing just be disabled until =3D the install is completed?
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Drake []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: for win32
The OS service "microsoft distributed transaction coordinator" is a likely suspect. Other usual suspects include backup software agents and any application servers running on that host.
The site "" has a wealth of tools for finding things like processes that own handles on files, such as handle.exe and procexp.exe. It is most likely that the file that was locked was "ociw32.dll"=3D20 under the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory.
the above page contains a link to the following article:
Please be aware, that the patchset for win32 is not in itself a solution for Oracle Security Alert #68, as described in the FAQ and patchset matrix notes on Metalink. Other one-off patchsets may also need to be applied.
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 14:35:41 -0500, Freeman, Donald
<> wrote:
> We are just finishing up our first one. We had a pretty rocky start.
> =3D
> Although we stopped the database, stopped all the services, we were =3D
> still getting messages that some of the Oracle dll's were in use by =3D
> another program. We ending up 'ignoring' and 'continuing' and =3D3D=0D
> 'retrying' throughout the installation until we got 'patch =3D
installation =3D3D
> complete.' We did try to reboot to kill anything that might have =3D
been =3D3D
> hung but couldn't figure out what was running. It was a bad idea to =3D
> push through; we corrupted the binaries and had to reinstall the base=0D
> =3D
> The second time through everything seems to be working fine.
> =3D
> We are almost done. Don't know about Data Guard.
>=3D20 >=3D20 >=3D20
>[]On Behalf Of Alex
>=3D20 >=3D20
>release Oct 31st. =3D20
>=3D20> Do you Yahoo!?
> =3D3D09
>=3D20 >=3D20
> ---------------------------------
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