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Re: Operating System Experiences - Oracle App Server
Re: Operating System Experiences - Oracle App Server
Hi Mladen,
- You are not expensive - 50$ US p.h. is a fair price (probably the
travel to Australia would be a major component of the cost) - BTW hope
you get your civic soon (hopefully the hybrid one)
- Personally, Linux would be my OS of choice - I have experience in
both OSes and I am not uncomfortable with Bill
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates - also our main db system
is on AIX so we have a lot of shell script and Unix knowledge and the
whole team feels more comfortable with Linux,
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut there is a Infrastructure
group in our organisation and their preference was Windows as
- we can't buy another AIX box,
- we will not allow app server to be installed on the same
server where the production db is located (we already let the b!@$*y
Gentia in)
- adding Linux would add another OS to the organisation and
that would cause issues with our S.O.E. (standard operating environment)
[so lame excuse that I had to keep my face straight]
- I spent four months beating Oracle Application Server 10g for
Windoze into submission, so I do have some (not great) experience but...
- Discoverer is still an unbelievable piece of ...., well sranje....
- The posting was more an inquiry about the real life experiences (any
anecdote is welcome) rather than the war of OSes.
Kind Regards
Kresimir Fabijanic
Received on Thu Nov 04 2004 - 04:42:54 CST
Original text of this message