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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: How to search on LONG datatype column
On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 07:43:04 -0700, MacGregor, Ian A.
<> wrote:
> Oracle text was born as the context option which cost money. It was =
> then renamed Intermedia with the 8.0 rdbms release and still cost money. =
> Howevever with the 8.1 rdbms release folks holding EE licenses could =
> use Intermedia without charge. Intermedia was renamed Oracle Text with =
> the 9.0 rdbms release.
Pretty good history, I'm not sure that the licensing story is quite correct.
With 8.1 Intermedia was a Database *Option* which means that it was
separately licensable
With 9.2 (probably 9.0 with the name change) text searching became an Oracle Feature - ie part of the RDBMS license. In both cases (and I think with 8 as well). Context/Intermedia/OracleText was available with Std Edition as well as Enterprise.
As to whether anyone ever actually paid money for Intermedia or just made sure with their sales guys that they could use it I don't know. We used it free in 8i SE for sure.
Bottom line is that most probably it is available foc to you, whatever edition you are running (assuming you are running a supported version of oracle).
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Wed Oct 27 2004 - 11:15:51 CDT