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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: If you have a databaselink to a databae in the same server you should be using ipc
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 19:13:23 +0200, Carel-Jan Engel
<> wrote:
> The first time I read this comment I was simply too flabbergasted to
> react. Thank you Jared.
> If you want to suffer from bad performance due to totally unnecessary
> routing of your local traffic through your network stack, be my guest.
I'm not going to touch the issue of documentation of systems, just comment on the above. I'm not going to disagree that IPC is significantly faster than IP, just disagree that this *implies* poor performance. Its like my objection to BAARF - not that the technical argument is wrong - just a question as to whether it is relevant. Just as when considering RAID as a performance bottleneck you better make sure you have an IO limited system, in this case you'd need to make sure your network communications are what is eating up your time. If they aren't (doing loads of unnecessary sql, missing appropriate indexes/stats whatever) then increasing the rate at which data flows between client and server can *at best* have no discernible effect. If you manage to chuck more work at an overloaded server by doing this then things aren't going to be exactly wonderful.
Even if you do find that network IO *is* the dominant bottleneck (large SQL*Net duration) I'd wager a pound to a penny that this will be down to the app doing row at a time logic, and whilst changing the comms channel will be worthwhile *in this case* it is still likely that fixing the code would be better.
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Tue Oct 12 2004 - 02:55:07 CDT