It's easy to demonstrate that Don has made some important technical errors,
- Don says that the trace files are in hex. If you've ever looked at one,
you'll realize of course that they're not.
- On index rebuilds. Don uses a link when mentioning metalink note
77474.1 (although I think he means note 77574.1) that actually points to an
article by a Boris Milrud called "Detecting and Fixing Out-of-Balance
Indexes". Can I strongly suggest you read this as it's one of the few
articles I know that is full of nearly every Oracle index myth there is
(indexes become unbalanced, some leaf nodes have more levels than others,
deleted space is not reused, etc.etc.). This is an article that Don uses to
support his argument for index rebuilds. Can I then suggest you read my
presentation on Oracle Index myths where I attempt to explain and prove why
such myths are incorrect
Before you believe anything that Don or I or anyone else writes, you deserve
to see evidence that supports or refutes the hypotheses presented to you.
This is mine.
- Original Message -----
From: "Darrell Landrum" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 6:53 AM
Subject: New oracle myths?
Take a look at:
This is a must see, because I believe (me, my own belief, not any company,
list, or other entity) there are folks on this list, umm, mentioned is a
word that comes to mind.
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Received on Thu Sep 02 2004 - 20:19:03 CDT