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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: fetch out of sequence
I seemed to have located the procedure with the problem. From what I am =
reading this error is related to "selecting from a for update cursor" =
after a commit. The procedure does have a for update cursor - however, =
it also uses "where current of" in the update - sooo - why would it be a =
problem. Doesn't the "where current of" ensure that I am only updating =
a specific row?
PROCEDURE cleanup_licenses IS
lic_count NUMBER; tmp_issue_date DATE; tmp_expire_date DATE;
SELECT * FROM License_List WHERE state_country =3D 'FL' AND license_status_id IS NOT NULL AND license_activity_id IS NOT NULL AND original_issue_date IS NOT NULL AND license_number NOT IN ('appl0', 'CH0') FOR UPDATE; cs_license cs_license_cur%ROWTYPE;
OPEN cs_license_cur; LOOP -- for each license row in license_list FETCH cs_license_cur INTO cs_license; EXIT WHEN cs_license_cur%NOTFOUND; -- -- get corresponding t_fl_lic row for comparison -- lic_count :=3D 0; tmp_issue_date :=3D NULL; tmp_expire_date :=3D NULL; SELECT count(*) INTO lic_count FROM t_fl_lic WHERE cs_license_number =3D cs_license.license_number AND TO_CHAR(license_status_id) IS NOT NULL AND TO_CHAR(activity_status_id) IS NOT NULL AND orig_issue_date IS NOT NULL; IF lic_count =3D 1 THEN SELECT issue_date, expire_date INTO tmp_issue_date, tmp_expire_date FROM t_fl_lic WHERE cs_license_number =3D = cs_license.license_number AND TO_CHAR(license_status_id) IS NOT NULL AND TO_CHAR(activity_status_id) IS NOT NULL AND orig_issue_date IS NOT NULL; =20 IF ( tmp_issue_date <> cs_license.issue_date OR tmp_expire_date <> cs_license.expire_date) THEN -- -- new dates - update license_list row and and continue -- UPDATE License_List SET issue_date =3D tmp_issue_date, expire_date =3D tmp_expire_date, timestamp =3D SYSDATE WHERE CURRENT OF cs_license_cur; END IF; END IF; =20 COMMIT; END LOOP;
END cleanup_licenses;
-----Original Message-----
From: Stankus, Paula G=20
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 9:13 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: fetch out of sequence
I have a database and packages/procs, I have recently inherited with = little info. It runs successfully in another database I setup = on another host. Same database setup, version, processes and = procedures. However, I am getting a specific error message:
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence
My thinking is that it likely is an issue with how the proc. is coded. = However, I also think the reason it hasn't come up on the other database = environment is that the number of rows would have been around 100K = versus 800K (due to a delay in running this nightly batch process).
Any suggestions on what to look for in the code with the specific error = above could the number of rows make the difference?
-- Archives are at FAQ is at -----------------------------------------------------------------Received on Mon Aug 23 2004 - 10:11:42 CDT
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