hi,Ehresmann, David
please check your os kernel parameters ?
it looks like that the process can not operator on a large file which is biger than 131071 blocks (1G ?).
Best regards
yahoo id: feng_chunpei
A new dba from china
- from the mail-----
>Has anybody seen this error before, and yes I have read all over metalink.
>This is a new dev db on aix 5.1L, copied from a prod db. It has
>6gb of undo tablespace. The original prod db is 8i and had 12 gb of
>rollback. This error is generated from a 3rd party product that basically
>inserts into tables in the app schema. I have checked the limits on the OS
>with the admin and they are unlimited for oracle. This error is not
>consistent. Some times it does not happen at all. And it will reference
>different datafiles, i.e. undotbs01.dbf, undotbs02.dbf, ... The 3rd party
>product uses a unix account, should its limits be unlimited? Or is it just
>the size of the undo tablespace?
>ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
>ORA-01116: error in opening database file 54
>ORA-01110: data file 54 '/.../.../.../undotbs03.dbf'
>ORA-27092: skgfofi: size of file exceeds file size limit of the process
>Additional information: 131071
>Additional information: 256001
>David Ehresmann
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Received on Sat Aug 21 2004 - 03:43:36 CDT