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Stephane Faroult wrote:
> Beni,
> You are *partly* right. If you want to be able to do this, you must put the
> rownum in the SELECT list of the in-line view (and rename it to something
> else, such as rn, because it is a reserved word), not at the upper level as
> you did. ROWNUM is computed 'on the fly'. Imagine that the Oracle engine is
> like a factory and that each time a row gets out it is stamped with a
> sequence number, and that your WHERE condition is the final quality control
> before the exit. You will never see a row labelled '10' if you discard any
> ofrows 1 to 9 inclusive.
if i understand that right, i didn't really need the subquery!
so i'm able to simply do:
select rownum rn, blah
from where.... and rn BETWEEN N AND P
i tested that and got exactly the same result as i'm using a subquery. it seems to me that there is no difference since the ROWNUM is stamped to rows at the time they get out. right?
> Be also aware that if you want to really keep the work done under control,
> you should actually put a limit on *both* queries. Betting on the
> intelligence of the optimiser is always a gamble. If you want to return
> rowsN to P, you should write :
> select *
> from (select rownum rn, blah
> from
> where ...
> and rownum <= P) <=== Note
> where rn between N and P
> Otherwise you have a risk that your inner query returns your thousands of
> rows (which it will do, in the end) to only display a few ones.
> Don't complain about your English, you haven't seen my German.
> Regards,
> Stephane Faroult
> On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 13:00 , Beni Buess <> sent:
> thank you! it works now.
> i need the between, because i need sometimes something like "BETWEEN 10
> AND 20" so i could not do this using "<".
> but:
> i thought, that i've no control over the rowid given by oracle to every
> row, so i need the inline view to force new rowid's beginning with 1 (or
> 0) up to the amount of records fetched by the query, because i need this
> only for limiting the result because my webapp would not be amused
> getting thousends of records. and if i would not do this using a
> subquery, i would just get the records with a rowid - given at the time
> the record was inserted - which is between 0 and 10 for example. and
> this would not really do what i want.
> am i right?
> i hope you've understood that, my english is not the best and it was a
> bit difficult to explain.
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