Okay, that does it. With Jared's permission.....
Mogens once said he'd never seen me annoyed. You all are about to do
Can you ALL please stop acting like bratty children and stop sniping at
one another? This has already driven at least two members of this list
away, two people who for the most part contribute an enormous amount of
quality to the list. Keep it up and people like Cary and Mogens and
Anjo and Jonathan will "pick up their ball and bat and go home". You
are wasting everyone's time with the flame war.
concerned, the lot of you should be sent to bed without supper and not
allowed out of your rooms or access to the computer until you can
conduct yourselves like adults.
This has become a pissing contest of who can insult the other more.
It's stupid, idiotic, trivial, annoying and I'm tired of it. Jared
tried politely to stop it several times over the past few months. You
all didn't listen.
So it's my turn. Act like grown-ups, or take the sniping into off-list
private emails. I am not interested in finding out which of you all has
the most testosterone. This posturing has to stop.
- Mike Killough <mwkillough_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> It doesn't really matter. Both sides of the issue have their fair
> share of
> cry babies. You were the kid that might have said "I don't like how
> you guys
> are talking to me so I'm taking my ball and I'm going home". How does
> a DBA
> get to be so experienced yet is so thin skinned? Sometimes I think
> there are
> too many people on this list with way too much free time on their
> hands.
> >From: <jtesta_at_dmc-it.com>
> >Reply-To: oracle-l_at_freelists.org
> >To: <oracle-l_at_freelists.org>
> >Subject: wow, i'm surprised, signoff
> >Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 10:06:24 -0400 (EDT)
> >
> >What a bunch of cry babies, anything posted in a public forum
> should be
> >taken with a grain of salt, i see that $hit called political
> correctness
> >has made its way here also.
> >
> >Too bad, there used to be alot of good information passed around
> here,
> >
> >Jared don't bother banning my A$$ since as soon as this is posted
> i'll be
> >removing all of my email addresses.
> >
> >Its been fun but a/o recent it aint been fun at all.
> >
> >joe
> >
> >
> >
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Received on Mon Jun 28 2004 - 15:01:59 CDT