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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Hot Backup Theory Revested:
As long as, the archive log files have begin backup marker and end backup marker for all the data files, you can restore the backup of those data files and recover them, at least, until the end of backup marker, just using these archive log files. You should not require archive log files generated before the begin backup command.
How and when do you backup and restore the control file ? I think, somehow you are missing the archive log file that hasbegin backup marker or your control file strategy is not in sync with data file backups. Next time you have an issue you might want to dump the archivelog files to the trace directory (beware, trace file can be quite large) and look for backup marker. Alternatively, you can also query the v$datafile_header to find the scn associated with the data file header and find the log sequence that encompasses this SCN range.
In the script, I would try switching the log file before your step 1, find the sequence associated with that current log group and use that information to backup that archivelog file also.
Riyaj "Re-yas" Shamsudeen
Certified Oracle DBA
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Hodgkinson, Stephen
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:47 AM
Subject: FW: Hot Backup Theory Revested:
> Can somebody give me there opinion on the below - either yes this can
> happen or no this is impossible you must have a mistake elsewhere.
> /****************************************************
> I have an automated script that backups my database, ftp's it to a
> test server and rebuild it each night.
> This process works 95 % of the time.
> Occasionally the restore of the database fails as it asks for an
> archive log before the backup process began.
> My backup is something like this:
> 2) Start Begin and End Backups and copies of all tablespaces.
> 4) CopyArchivedRedoLogs (From the time of step1 to tep 4)
> So my question is do you ever require the archive logs that are
> generated before the first begin backup e.g. Maybe for a long running
> transaction that spans redo logs.
> I tried executing step 1) four times but I Didn't really expect it
> help - and it didn't
> Please don't suggest using RMAN - we will use it soon.
> I known you generally would want all you archive logs and we do have
> this it is just an automation issue I am trying to resolve.
> If you believe what I am suggesting is impossible please let me known
> and the next time it happens I will investigate it 100 % rather than
> just manually ftp over the old archive log.
> Thanks in advance.
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