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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: what is obj$.type#=10?
You Said:
"In an Oracle 9.2 database, I create public synonym X for = some_table. Then
I drop public synonym X. No one has ever used public = synonym X, there are
no dependencies on it, so why does a row remain in = SYS.OBJ$ for X with
type# 10? That row will remain until I restart the = database."
I can guess. Oracle probably figured it wasn't worth cleaning it up - kind of a wasted effort. A new object would reuse the value. A restart of the database would clear the object. Why waste the time and effort to clean it up?
Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional
-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Kilchoer []
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 2:40 PM
Subject: RE: what is obj$.type#=10?
-----Original Message-----
Jonathan Lewis
Once again I learn something from the list. (I wrote a sample script = below to show what Mr. Lewis is talking about.) I have a question = though. In an Oracle 9.2 database, I create public synonym X for = some_table. Then I drop public synonym X. No one has ever used public = synonym X, there are no dependencies on it, so why does a row remain in = SYS.OBJ$ for X with type# 10? That row will remain until I restart the = database.
SQL> create table
2 (country_code varchar2 (10), country_name varchar2 (40)) ;
Table cr=E9=E9e.
SQL> create public synonym country for ; Synonyme cr=E9=E9.
SQL> grant select on to alpha ; Autorisation de privil=E8ges (GRANT) accept=E9e.
SQL> create procedure alpha.country_proc
2 as
3 x country.country_code%type ;
4 begin
5 null ;
6 end ;
7 /
Proc=E9dure cr=E9=E9e.
SQL> select
2 as owner, as object_name, a.type#, 3 decode (a.type#, 2, 'TABLE', 5, 'SYNONYM', 7, 'PROCEDURE') as =object_type
7 in ('COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_PROC') 8 and a.owner# =3D b.user# ; OWNER OBJECT_NAME TYPE# =OBJECT_TY
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- = --------- PUBLIC COUNTRY 5 = SYNONYM ALPHA COUNTRY 10 ALPHA COUNTRY_PROC 7 = PROCEDURE BETA COUNTRY 2 =TABLE SQL> create table
SQL> select
2 as owner, as object_name, a.type#, 3 decode (a.type#, 2, 'TABLE', 5, 'SYNONYM', 7, 'PROCEDURE') as =object_type
7 in ('COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_PROC') 8 and a.owner# =3D b.user# ; OWNER OBJECT_NAME TYPE# =OBJECT_TY
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- = --------- PUBLIC COUNTRY 5 = SYNONYM ALPHA COUNTRY 2 = TABLE ALPHA COUNTRY_PROC 7 = PROCEDURE BETA COUNTRY 2 =TABLE
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