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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: [Fwd: Re: IDE for Oracle database] (regarding bp)
bp may have been specific to Dynix/PTX. I can't seem to find it anywhere
else. I'm pretty sure I used it on to operate on various SUN boxes, but that
may have been via NFS mount from a Sequent.
Perhaps they renamed it? Veritas seems to have a bp command now that has nothing to do with binary patching.
bp took a filename, an offset, and a patch string you could specify in ASCII, octal, or hex, and it was really convenient to use after OD showed you a problem you thought needed to be fixed, since it had similar notation to the arguments you needed to feed back to bp.
Since it only exactly patched the address you indicated and did exactly what it was told to do, it was also nice when the headers and format anticipated by specific block editors were mucked up.
Possibly "bed" now provides this functionality.
Shows how long it has been since I've actually had to use bp. Primarily for Oracle, it was useful after a shutdown/startup restrict/shutdown normal/move to test system when the wrong online logs were kept and you didn't need any real deltas, just a correct header to process to make startup happy. Or if you had a crash during backup before there was a command to tell Oracle the files really weren't fuzzy and you were using the actual files from disk. We hardly need it anymore.
Still, if someone knows what this has been renamed or whether it has really been relegated to the dustbin, I'd appreciate it. (And maybe that guy with the munged datafile from last week actually needs it.)
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:34 AM
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Re: IDE for Oracle database]
ok i've been doing unix since '84, and dont remember bp at all and yes have used all of the others(and for you perl advocates, list owner and others, i'm still holding out learning it) :)
original message below
come on! I know the truth. You demanded sed, awk, grep, diff, od, and bp too.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:21 AM
Subject: [Fwd: Re: IDE for Oracle database]
use it on the laptop but can't count on it on the various unix servers ;)
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