Hmm. Allow me to say two things:
0. As a director (and shareholder to a large degree) of a database
consulting, education and support outfit, I would like to encourage
everybody to reorg as often as physically possible. Only extreme
situations such as database down or production schedules that can't be
ignored any longer should prevent this life-saving activity. With the
ability to reorg online both indexes and tables, it can easily, without
much ado, become the primary function of the database (and associated
disk system, preferably a RAID-5 one). If - and only if - you should
experience any inconvenience due to this highly recommended, on-going
activity, please call me on my mobile at any time for a reasonable quote
on our services.
- On a slightly more serious note, the proof that a reorg paid off is
that the number of LIO's went down for specific operations like index
lookups (that takes a lot of dis-org'ing activity) or table scans. And
even that is not good enough: It doesn't matter how many LIO's took
place, it's the time they took. Reorg'ing could potentially (I think?)
change the LIO's from one kind to another, thereby changing the time
they take (Anjo - help me out here if you can, or tell me I'm wrong).
- Could some of the reorg benefits seen (if, indeed, they can be
measured) by some of the nasty ERP/CRM gorillas be because of the
wonderfully long rows in some of the tables combined with block sizes
that could be bigger?
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Received on Mon Jun 14 2004 - 15:37:02 CDT