I've found a combination that makes reading docs (e.g.
pdf) a pleasure on my laptop.
- Get a laptop with at least a 15in diagonal screen
and resolution of 1280x800. The screen quality makes a
big difference.
- Use Acrobat where you can use the "Note Tool" to
save comments in the pdf files. With the navigation
panel on the left, you can tab to "comments" and flip
back and forth between different notes just like book
- Pdf also provides the option to search, one
document at at time, while "off-line" from the
internet. I wish I knew a way to do "off-line" search
the Oracle html documentation like you can at:
But, my laptop is not a very powerful html (nor pdf)
search engine. :-)
When I know what I'm searching for and select the
correct pdf, then its better than flipping pages. But,
if I'm generally lost then the html search of Oracle
documentation is the fastest way to get good doc
details for a specific Oracle version.
Mike Thomas
- Rachel Carmichael <wisernet100_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dennis,
> WAAAY too much work!
> I've never been a fan of online documentation --
> it's just not
> portable. and I can't hold my finger on one page,
> flip back to another
> to verify things.
> There are too many manuals these days, with way too
> many pages in them.
> Rachel
> > Rachel - I find the pdf documents are great for
> that purpose. Print
> > 'em off,
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Received on Mon Jun 14 2004 - 10:56:15 CDT