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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Rman/Legato/Architecture
Thanks for the response.
we finally did get the backups to multiple tape drive
the isue with legato is by default it does 10 streams /tape and a stream is basically a channel in rman.
so we were able to bump the legato streams parameter down to get stuff working still figuring out how to restore from multiple tapes at a time if you could by any chance find the script of your that would be great.
the issue is would it be an rman bottleneck or a legato bottleneck. becuase theoretically if rman issues a call for a tape and the tape drive is avialble loegato should mount that tape. but then how does rman determine what streams it wants to get and how can we forceit to use multiple tape drives(meaning more tapes than it initally backed up on at a time.)
How does rman internally determine the streams it wants first .
Byron Pearce <> wrote: Fuad:
One of the problems that I always ran into with Legato was that it would backup to multiple tapes, but that it would restore from a single tape at a time. It has been several years since I have worked with the product, so that might have changed.
Having said that, we did get it to use multiple tape drives during a restore process by having a shell script that would parse the Legato database. I believe that I may have those in a tar/gzip archive somewhere on another system. It required us to get the various SSID's on the distinct tapes and build a shell script for each one. It was not a simple process, though once we had it scripted and documented it did go rather smoothly. If I can find then, then I will send them your way - maybe they will be helpful.
The short answer is "yes" you can do that, but it takes some work to set it up.
Someone else might have a better idea if the newer versions of Legato have a simpler way to get around this problem.
HTH Fuad Arshad wrote:
> Got a Questions for all the folks using rman out there.
> We are using rman with a legato networker solution.
> Now after tuning rman like stting up maxopenfiles, setting the
> filesperset doingg work on the maxblocksize.
> we have tuned the backup about 2Tb to run in 6-8 hours.
> The backup gets 4 tapes and in total writes to 7 tapes.
> the restore took us about 32 hrs which offcourse management didnt like.
> one of the ideas pooped around was .
> Is it possible to allocate more tape drives at restore time
> e.g 4 tapes drive on backup but 7 on restore
> and if we allocate enough extra channels will rman pick up the extra
> 3 tapes since it did backup on a total of 7 tapes.
> this could cut the rerstore time a lot and i'm trying to get some
> test environment to try to test this but anyone out face this issue if
> so how did they resolve/fight thru this
> Thanks
-- ==================================================================== Byron Pearce Tenure Systems, Inc. Dallas/Fort Worth, TX "It's hard to be a ninja when you wear a beeper." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: ---------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe send email to: put 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. -- Archives are at FAQ is at ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: ---------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe send email to: put 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. -- Archives are at FAQ is at -----------------------------------------------------------------Received on Thu Jun 10 2004 - 13:17:32 CDT
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