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Got a Questions for all the folks using rman out there.
We are using rman with a legato networker solution.
Now after tuning rman like stting up maxopenfiles, setting the filesperset doingg work on the maxblocksize.
we have tuned the backup about 2Tb to run in 6-8 hours.
The backup gets 4 tapes and in total writes to 7 tapes.
the restore took us about 32 hrs which offcourse management didnt like.
one of the ideas pooped around was .
Is it possible to allocate more tape drives at restore time
e.g 4 tapes drive on backup but 7 on restore
and if we allocate enough extra channels will rman pick up the extra 3 tapes since it did backup on a total of 7 tapes.
this could cut the rerstore time a lot and i'm trying to get some test environment to try to test this but anyone out face this issue if so how did they resolve/fight thru this