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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: can table locking improve performance ??
Unfortunately, the table lock really won't help. Given that there are only two users on the system, the use of a table lock will do nothing except cause problems for other users should they try to access data. How are you performing the data load? If by PL/SQL, you may need to rethink that approach. I like Tom's idea of reviewing the process before determining what the mechanics should be.
Thank You
Stephen P. Karniotis
Compuware Corporation
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-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Mercadante, Thomas F
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 2:49 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: can table locking improve performance ??
My guess is that you will ether see no improvment at all, or it will get worse.
Oracle will issue it's own locks - your placing a lock on a row may actually slow it down. I can't see it getting any better. As you said, you will be the only person on the database at the time - you will be contending with anyone else trying to lock either the table or a row in the table.
I say leave it alone. Don't issue any locks at all - let Oracle take care of them.
To speed up the process, you may need to re-engineer how you are doing it. Are you performing a straight sqlldr load, CTAS, procedural loop/insert/update?
Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 2:42 PM
Subject: can table locking improve performance ??
We have an initial load process that is very long running.
The update of 38M rows takes hours and hours.
There are two users on the entire system, us doing the
load and another user to look at some of the v$ views
during the load process.
Updates need to put exclusive row-level locks before
being able to update rows. If we do a table level lock
PRIOR to the update statement, what effect will it
have on performance. Intuitively, we think it should be
more efficient, but I don't know if Oracle will be more
efficient in checking locks when updating rows
or does the exact same source code apply, regardless
if there is a table level lock.
In other words, in this case, can a table level lock
improve performance ?
- thanks
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