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How big/small is the difference in your trace files? I'm asking because
the differences I'm used to seeing are in a few centi-seconds and this
case was almost 46 seconds.
Thanks for taking the time.=20
Tony Aponte
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel W. Fink []
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Help interpreting 10046 trace file anomaly
It is important to remember that not all code is instrumented for=20 timing, so the session could have performed some of that code. Another=20 clue is that there is a timestamp emitted after the FETCH. I have see=20 this occur if an entry is not emitted into the time stamp for a certain=20 period of time (seems to be around 3 seconds). In looking at a couple of
trace files from past tests, I see that the TIM values don't seem to=20 true up with the e=3D values. So far, it has not had any impact in terms =
of mis-diagnosing a performance issue.
Daniel Fink
Aponte, Tony wrote:
>I need help understanding the time difference between the to "tim=3D"=20
>values. I calculated the difference to be (1007496616 - 1007492040)=20
>4576. But the time clocked in "SQL*Net message from client" is
>as 1 centisecond. The "***" line shows that there was a long pause
>why doesn't the wait event account for the elapsed time? This is the=20
>first time I observe a discrepancy while walking the trace file. Any=20
>thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
>*** 2004-05-06 00:13:10.168
>WAIT #4: nam=3D'SQL*Net message from client' ela=3D 1 p1=3D1413697536 =
>PARSING IN CURSOR #4 len=3D422 dep=3D0 uid=3D22564 oct=3D3 lid=3D22564
tim=3D1007496616 hv=3D557190862 ad=3D'eb942db8'
>Tony Aponte
>Home Shopping Network
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