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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Advanced replication
Hello Seema
With advance replication you select which tables you want to replicate. You
can choose all of them or just a few.
Switching to the replicated site can be done in some ways:
1) Your application try to connect to primary database. If the connection
fails it try to connect to the secondary database.
2) In tnsnames.ora you define failover for the database.
3) Bring down the failed machine and configure the secondary machine to the
same name and tcp/ip address so the network thinks that it is the same
Do not forget to plan what you do after the primary machine is back up and you need to switch back.
Yechiel Adar
----- Original Message -----
From: "Seema Singh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:27 PM
Subject: Advanced replication
> Hi,
> Setup:
> OS= Sun solaris 5.7
> oracle=8163
> objective: In case of disaster replica site would be as production site.
> I want to do disaster recover site for this ionstnace thru replication not
> satndby database.I need some information on advanced replication.
> -Can I do replictaion of few tables on replica site ? In case of failure
> we migrate to replica site?
> -If i setup snashot for few tables can I swich application in case of
> failure and replica site could treat as production site?
> please advice ,if someone have any good information let me know.
> thx
> -Seema
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