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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: MTS for 5,000 All-at-Once Users?
Actually, it is fun. The approach we've come up with to centralize the
Campus databases, eliminate other problems with the App, enhance security,
etc., etc. - using standard database features, no code changes - are all
things the Vendor has never been able to figure out. We've applied for a
patent and have the Vendor very interested in getting us to teach them how
we do it! It's a rare and enjoyable feeling to actually make a Vendor
squirm! ;-)
Advanced Queing, eh? Never used it and only looked at it as a possible solution for our Developers to centralize error logging from their many Apps on our several databases - Autonomous Transactions across DB Links are problematic. I'll have to see if it can help us with this COTS App, for which the code is unmodifiable by us.
Jack C. Applewhite - Database Administrator
Austin (Texas) Independent School District
512.414.9715 (wk)
512.935.5929 (pager)
May have come a long way, but we got a long way to go.
Jared Still <>
Sent by:
05/15/2004 08:34 PM
Please respond to oracle-l
To: Oracle-L Freelists <> cc: Subject: Re: MTS for 5,000 All-at-Once Users?
> We are in the process of sizing servers for consolidating the 162
> far-flung dBase IV (go ahead and laugh, we have to - to keep from
Actually, this sounds like fun to me.
> However, once each morning, all 5,000 Elementary teachers log on and
> upload their class attendance data. The data from each teacher is only
> the Student Numbers for 20 - 30 kids and the associated "Present" or
> "Absent" flags, perhaps with an Absence Code. It's not much, but
> multiplied by 5,000, all within probably a 10 - 15 minute span, and we
Jack, have you investigate Advanced Queuing for this? It sounds like it might be worth prototyping. If the data doesn't have to be there immediately, this could prevent killing your server even though they they all logon at once.
My guess would be that memory for all sessions in will be the least of your worries if they all hit 'COMMIT' in a short time period. :)
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