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MTS for 5,000 All-at-Once Users?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 15:20:21 -0500
Message-ID: <> on Linux.

Anyone have experience with using MTS for handling a flood of about 5,000 simultaneous users?

We are in the process of sizing servers for consolidating the 162 far-flung dBase IV (go ahead and laugh, we have to - to keep from crying) Campus "databases" of our COTS Student Information System into four central Oracle databases. We'll have one 9i database each for High Schools, Middle Schools, Elementaries, and Other (Summer Schools, special Campuses, etc.).

Without going into all the gory details, we see our biggest performance challenges as the times when most all teachers record attendance for their classes. Most of the time, there is a relatively small number of Campus Clerks and Registrars entering enrollments, withdrawals, transfers, etc.

However, once each morning, all 5,000 Elementary teachers log on and upload their class attendance data. The data from each teacher is only the Student Numbers for 20 - 30 kids and the associated "Present" or "Absent" flags, perhaps with an Absence Code. It's not much, but multiplied by 5,000, all within probably a 10 - 15 minute span, and we think the Elementary database will be hit pretty hard. The second big hit will be the hourly attendance uploaded from High Schools and Middle Schools, but that's fewer teachers and it's spread across two databases/servers.

I've RTFM and searched MetaLink, but can't seem to find a minimal memory requirement for a "bare bones" MTS connection. I've got a test database and have attempted to make multiple MTS connections to try to measure it myself, but only the connection in which I issue the query shows as SERVER = SHARED in V$Session, all the rest show NONE.

Would 16GB of RAM and 2 or 4 CPUs (3GHz) handle 5,000 smallish MTS connections? Or is MTS not even the way to go, given that it's a simultaneous flood? How about Connection Pooling - Yay or Nay?

BTW, in case you think our LAN/WAN might be a problem, it won't. We have an extremely fast fiber network linking all our Campuses and the District office. Our infrastructure is really great - robust, reliable, and never a bottleneck. We have gigabit connections from our WAN to the DB Servers.

TIA for any advice on this.

Jack C. Applewhite - Database Administrator Austin (Texas) Independent School District 512.414.9715 (wk)
512.935.5929 (pager)

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