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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: IMP-00020 info
I'm glad that you were able to isolate the problem with the exp/imp. I
tried the DIRECT,RECORDLENGTH, and others suggested by OWS in the
metelink search results. I still don't think they know what causes the
problem because there is no ONE answer to the problem.
The import is into an Oracle database. Maybe that is the
problem? I first discovered the problem when the export size was over 60
Thanks for the brew,
>>> 05/11/2004 1:47:26 PM >>>
Unfortunately, my IMP-00020 problem didn't turn out to be an ftp issue at all. (It ALSO didn't turn out to be a corrupted file, as suggested by Oracle Tech Spt.) By virtue of an educated (read 'lucky') guess, I decided to try the export with direct=n instead of direct=y. That fixed it, regardless of transfer method -- I tested rcp, unix-to-unix ftp, and ftp with my Win2K desktop as an intermediary. My only quandry now is whether I can afford a slower direct=n export for the sake of just one table, or do I isolate the table into its own export. (The time window for this nightly process isn't very generous!!) I guess I've got more testing to do!!
By the way, even though your solution didn't directly solve my problem, it did prompt me to look at the problem in a different light. Therefore, consider yourself the recipient of one virtual beer. And, should the fickled finger of fate lead you to Austin, TX, look me up, and we'll convert that virtual beer into a real one.
Take care!
Joe Cooper
Oracle DBA
Thomson Media (until the sale of our division FINALLY goes through,
which should be "any day now")
Austin, TX
Ron Rogers <> wrote:
I got the FTP to work properly by adding the BINARY option in the
here-file that I used to get the dmp files from the OpenVMS server. I
using WS-FTP to ftp the files from the server to the pc and WS-FTP to
push the files to the Linux box. The option for WS-FTP are set to use
BINARY for all transfers.
It appears that the default transfer for ftp on linux is not binary.
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