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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> aio on sun ufs problem
Hi friends:
While reading the following paper: It says for oracle 8.1.7/ufs, aio is by default disabled. We must enable it explictly with _filesystemio_options=asynch. Is it true? For aio on raw device/QuickIO, we can see truss -t kaio -p dbwr to verify it, for aio on filesystem, how to verify it then? And other question about solaris, that doc also says, with solaris 8 update 3, there is concurrent directIO for ufs. Is it a feature of ufs, or a feature of solaris kernel? If it is a ufs feature, then even with solaris 8 update 3, I cannot use this feature on vxfs/solaris8 update 3.If it is a feature of solaris kernel, I think CDIO is also ok on vxfs, is it true? And how can I know whether my solaris 8 is using update 3+ via command line like compare the kernel version (uname -a)?
zhu chao.