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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Connection between Oracle on Unix and SQL Server
What was the problem with transparent gateway? The information that I have is that it is
a rather reliable product. Also, I don't think you can set it on Unix only. There must be
an agent running on the same box as the SQL Server database. The agent normally translates
oracle syntax and datatypes into SQL Server. I have to confess that I don't know how
to deal with SQL Server, the only experience that I have with that was with Guardian/SQL
a long time ago,
On 05/03/2004 02:59:02 PM, "Smith, Ron L." wrote:
> I need to implement a connection between Oracle on Unix and SQL Server.
> I have tried both Transparent Gateway and Heterogeneous Services but I
> have had not luck with either. This is a low volume connection that
> will be used on several different servers to various applications. =20
> Does anyone know where I can get some fool proof (in this case idiot
> proof) instructions on how to set up this type of connection?
> Thanks!
> Ron Smith
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