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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Wrapping all tables with packages and scalability
> I wonder, what sort of J2EE env was that and specific set of J2EE/JDBC
> features caused "a lot of meta-data traffic". And how using stored proc
> helped to avoid it?
Last time I looked there was only one J2EE environment? I didn't say that stored proc helped to avoid traffic, I said that stored proc WITH object types as parameters helped to avoid it.
Specifically, it was Wesphere as the app server and the excess traffic was caused by the JDBC driver querying the database for the meta-data of every column specified in a dynamic SQL statement. Something that is bypassed if you specify an object type as the parameter: its contents are not individually checked.
> most cases. Of course, no need for metadata when cursor is already persed
Try using a ref cursor and watch the difference.
> Stored proc , from the other side, do not let us use batch (array)
> restricting scalability.
Yes it does let you use batch and it affects no scalability whatsoever.
Nothing to stop you from using a batch statement returning multiple rows in
ref cursor. One thing doesn't stop another. And using stored procedures is
a stopper for any other technique nor does it preclude use of any other
it is completely compatible with any other access to the tables.
> Regarding object types in Oracle - it costs so much CPU on server side,
> there is very subtle chance it can be more efficient than doing all fancy
> object stuff on application side - where it belongs, and let Oracle do
> database job. It is much easier to scale application layer than DB.
You completely misunderstood what I said. I did not say to use Oracle OBJECTS. I said to use Oracle Object types. Which describe an object's data as a structure, passed to-and fro by JDBC as a single atomic operation. And no, NOTHING says that objects have to be manipulated exclusively on the app side. Other than the previous limitations of other databases. There is NOTHING in the OO theory that says objects should be manipulated ANYWHERE specific.
Nuno Souto
in sunny Sydney, Australia
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