This was far too accurate! :)
You're right. This *is* what usually happens.
I guess I just don't let it get to me anymore (not
gonna bother about things I have no control over and
all that) and was attempting to, at least, give some
of them the benefit of the doubt.
But then again, I'm not getting personal emails from
these people the way you are. ;)
So in that case, even if you are the listmaster and
are expected to be a facilitator and polite host of
sorts, feel free to block them! :-)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com wrote:
> > What I've learned, is that sooner or later, when
> the
> > asker has not been answered, the asker will RTFM
> > anyway. And, they will have done so without
> having
> > been explicitly told to do so.
> With all due respect Melanie, that isn't what
> usually happens.
> When a post goes unanswered, this is what happens.
> * message is re-posted
> * that goes unanswered
> * poster then asks the list:
> "Hey, why hasn't anyone answered this?"
> * poster asks me:
> "Hey, why hasn't anyone answered this?"
> * I reply:
> * * maybe no one knows the answer
> * * maybe it's so dead easy no body bothers
> * Mladen G. says to RTFM, along with a technical
> explanation down to the bit level.
> * Ian M. takes it further, down to the quantam
> level.
> * Jonathan L. posts a concise, insightful and clear
> reply
> * poster asks for clarification
> * Tim G. writes the first chapter of a book on the
> subject
> and posts it to the list.
> * Juan P. points the poster to asktom
> * Paul D. explains why the RAID is misconfigured
> * Poster asks Tim for all the implementation code
> for the first chapter of the book.
> * Kathy D. implies the poster has no social life and
> has much imbibing to catch up on.
> * Tim G. writes the second chapter to the book and
> posts it.
> * Poster tries RTFM but is overwhelmed by the
> table of contents.
> * Dennis W. does a googles search and posts the
> answer to
> to the problem 2 minutes after reading the email.
> * poster sends resume to Starbucks
> * resume returned - DBA's are under-qualified.
> That's the general flow, anyway.
> Jared
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Received on Tue Apr 27 2004 - 19:20:16 CDT