Dan, I have seen RAC on both EMC and NETAPP. I am a
firm believer in you get what you pay for. EMC is
expensive but very good in my opinion and the smaller
cheaper towers give you pretty good flexibility.
NETAPP is NFS and can be a great solution but if not
setup properly can pose some interesting issues under
a heavy I/O load. In my opinion I would see if you
could get a test system in before you commit to buying
NETAPP. NETAPP also has a SAN solution that is more
expensive that the NFS solution but maybe cheaper than
Have you looked and HP's cheaper SAN's? I have set up
RAC on a MSA1000 and seen some pretty decent
performance out this array. It is a SAN built on the
SCSI JBOD concept. This SAN doesn't have all the bells
and whistles of a EMC but has some good features.
My personal opinion is that SAN's and direct attached
storage are better than NFS.
Hope this helps,
- Daniel Hanks <hanksdc_at_about-inc.com> wrote:
> We're looking to upgrade our current database
> architecture, to something that will handle
> potentially 3-4 times our current load/size, etc.
> We're looking at RAC as an option, but I'm wondering
> what storage options are available for RAC. At a
> Technology Day about a year or so back, they showed
> a small RAC cluster using a NetApp for the shared
> storage component. What other storage options are
> available? EMC is the obvious other, but what else
> is available/supported? Anything that serves lots of
> disk via NFS?
> Currently we are managing around 50G of
> data+indexes, so it's not a whole lot we need in
> terms of space. Moving up to 4x that would only be
> 200G, still not very large. Are there options
> cheaper than NetApp that would be feasible?
> Thanks for your input,
> -- Dan Hanks
> Daniel Hanks - Systems/Database Administrator
> United Online, Mega Web Services
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Received on Wed Apr 14 2004 - 20:10:53 CDT