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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Mview base on a view?
I was just wondering if it is a valid practice to create a materialized vie= w based on a view. I have some columns in a table that I want to replicate= to another database. However, there are other columns in the table that I= want to hide from the remote database. I am specifically concerned about = somebody querying through my db link back to the source database. So my da= tabase link will only be able to access a view, which hides some of the col= umns in the table. I was browsing through the docs and didn't find this sc= enario. I was curious if anybody else does this or if there is another met=hod I should use.
Thank you,
/* In Local Database */
create table user_list (
u_name varchar2(30), u_password varchar2(30), u_created_date date
create materialized view log on user_list; grant select on mlog$_user_list to remote_user;
create view vu_user_list as
select u_name,u_created_date
from user_list;
grant select on vu_user_list to remote_user;
/* In remote database */
create database link source_db connect remote_user identified by secretpwd = using 'db1';
create materialized view vu_user_list
refresh with rowid
as (select * from user_a.vu_user_list_at_source_db);
alter materialized view vu_user_list refresh fast;
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