Hi All,
I was going through Oracle Doc's and certain things just stuck me ,I am
jotting them down plz let me knw your opinions on these
- What is the difference between physical reads and physical reads (direct)
- There exists a OS cache on all the servers now when Oracle requires a
block it first check its own Cache (Buffer) now if it fails to find it
there it asks for a disk read ,My question is what if that particular
piece of data exists in OS cache.In such a scenario
- is such a situation possible?.
- If yes then How does Oracle keep track b'coz to it there was a PIO
whereas in reality it was a LIO.
c)Does the system wide stats take care of this.
3)Does Oracle keep LOB's in Buffer cache or they are allways disk read.i.e
Thanks a mil
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Received on Fri Apr 02 2004 - 04:09:58 CST