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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: 8174 32 bit to 9204 64 big
>>>Install 8174 (64 bit) software
>>>Convert the db from 32 bit to 64 (8174)
>>>migrate the db from 8174 (64 bit) to 9204 (64 bit).
I do not think you need to perform the 64 bit conversion step at all. Oracl=
e does the word size conversion during the upgrade implicitly.=20
I have done such upgrade using the DBUA and using scripts without any issue=
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 3:46 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: 8174 32 bit to 9204 64 big
My theory as a DBA is to perform tasks in a manner that is least likely to cause bad consequences. Is there any way export/import would work for you? I have a much warmer feeling about using that to relocate my important data. Just create a new 9i database, check it out, make sure it is ready to go, practice the export/import, then perform the cutover. Much less to go wrong.
Dennis Williams
Lifetouch, Inc.
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