- KENNETH JANUSZ <kjanusz_at_att.net> wrote:
> I have a problem on my Dell 8200 running Windoze XP
> Prof. SP1. I run my machine 24X7 because I do SETI
> analysis. But after about 4-5 days funny things
> happen on the screen and then I get an out of memory
> message. As soon as I reboot all is back to normal
> for 4-5 days.
> Windows Task Manager shows 52 processes running. My
> machine has 256 MB of physical memory. I have
> increased my min & max. page memory up to 1026 MB
> per DELL customer service. Now they say I need more
> physical memory.
> Does anyone have an idea what is going on? It seems
> to me that not all the code is being flushed out of
> the physical memory and it keeps building up until I
> get this error message.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks much,
> Ken Janusz, CPIM
enter the number "2" and click the "buy" button.
you will be trashing existing memory, but being able
to brag that your laptop has 1 GB of physical memory
will translate into not having to spend cash on
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Received on Mon Mar 22 2004 - 21:10:30 CST