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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Paritioning Challenge: alternate unique constraint
In this situation, it's easiest to think of a partitioned table as a bunch of separate objects that Oracle happens to know are related and local indexes, similarly, as a bunch of separate index objects Oracle happens to know are related. In this case, table t would be thought of as two separate tables (t1 & t2). If there were local indexes on t, those would similarly be thought of as two separate indexes (i1 & i2).
If the local indexes did not contain the column t is partitioned on, Oracle would need to scan both i1 and i2 looking for the new row to ensure uniqueness. We know from elementary computer science that the cost of reading a binary-tree index looking for an element is log( height of tree ). Because of the way Oracle sets up its b-tree indexes, the height of i1 & i2 will almost always be the same as, or very close to, the height of a single global index (generally a height of 3 or 4). This means that it will be twice as expensive to verify the uniqueness constraint in this example if the indexes were local rather than global. In a more realistic example, where there are 10s or 100s of partitions, it will be 10s or 100s of times more expensive to ensure uniqueness on a local index rather than on a global index.
Justin Cave
Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:48 PM
Subject: RE: Paritioning Challenge: alternate unique constraint
Could you expand on this please Mr. Cave?
You said "If you did have a number of local indexes, Oracle would have to scan each index before it inserted a new row in any partition, which would likely be a rather poorly performing option."
I'm not sure what this means. In my example below I have a table hash partitioned by column A, with unique index 1 global range partitioned by column B, and unique index 2 global range partitioned by column C. Are you saying that the uniqueness for columns B and C can be enforced by a better algorithm because indexes 1 and 2 are global, rather than local?
SQL> create table t (n1 number, n2 number, n3 number) 2 partition by hash (n1) partitions 2 ; Table créée.
SQL> create unique index tgui1 on t (n2) global partition by range (n2) 2 (partition values less than (100), partition values less than (maxvalue)) ; Index créé.
SQL> create unique index tgui2 on t (n3) global partition by range (n3) 2 (partition values less than (100), partition values less than (maxvalue)) ; Index créé.
> -----Original Message-----
> Justin Cave (DDBC)
> As I understand it, you want to create local indexes on a
> partitioned table that do not include the partition key.
> Logically, this sort of construct doesn't strike me as
> possible. Since uniqueness has to apply to the whole table,
> you logically need to, in this case, have a single object to
> store all possible first & last names. This would require a
> global index. If you did have a number of local indexes,
> Oracle would have to scan each index before it inserted a new
> row in any partition, which would likely be a rather poorly
> performing option.
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