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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: PLEASE READ Re: The weekly quote "obligatory" Why you are afraid
I've been on this list for several years... The reason I'm on this list is because I like it... The way it is... It's got some good technical content with the occasional humor mixed in... I like the people... I even like Mladen's humor (don't let that go you your head Mladen)... Sometimes the list traffic gets a little out of control but most of the time it's fun and on topic... You seem to want to change the list... To put it bluntly, I like it the way it is... Now, if you want to contribute to the technical content then that's fine... I welcome that... If you want to perform research and post your results, fine... That would also be welcome... Believe it or not, that already happens here... So, why don't you just enjoy the list as it is...
My $0.02 cents...
Juan Cachito Reyes Pacheco wrote:
>I agree don't generate junk emails, if you don't have nothing interesting to
>post, don't post, this is obvious.
>I understand there are long periodos dbas are more working that
>investigating, but when you investigate something interesting and can post
>something interesting.
>I don't understand you doubt "maybe some one can start to post junk." in
>theory every member in this list has some important knowledge and common
>sense to understand what is something interesting and what is not.
>And if he don't understand some one of us can tell it to him.
>At last, if this is not a good idea, OBVIOUSLY we can AND WE ARE GOING TO go
>back and stop this idea.
>But what can you say this will be junk mail before looking what every one of
>us can post, no body is going to post new inventions, only conclusion about
>interesting invetigations.
>But your resistance to change or to try new ideas is impressive and based on
>this comments and previous comments I read before in this list this seems
>There a few of you who have serious doubts about others members of this
>list, because you talk in that way.
>Gogala, About you "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile". Access
>Resistance is useful, and I'll resist, and success blocking the asimilation.
>jo jo jo, but you can try all the eternity and fail.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mladen Gogala" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:32 AM
>Subject: Re: The weekly quote "obligatory"
>>My weekly quote posts would be better suited for the list about life,
>universe and
>>everything. My weekly quote is "don't panic and don't generate junk mails
>>on my favorite mailing list. Always have a towel and The Guide on you."
>>We're not nice guys. We're the DBA's. You will be assimilated. Resistance
>is futile.
>>On 03/04/2004 09:12:09 AM, Juan Cachito Reyes Pacheco wrote:
>>>The solution is to post with a subject
>>>My weekly quote, if you don't want you don't read.
>>>But there are several thing, that one can share with others.
>>>For example you take 3 days investeigating full day, something
>>>and then you can share it with others.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Igor Neyman" <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:05 AM
>>>Subject: RE: The weekly quote "obligatory"
>>>I agree with Tanel.
>>>And "something really interesting" should be something that either
>>>contradicts oracle docs or not covered well enough in oracle docs.
>>>There is a lot of traffic as it is on this list.
>>>Igor Neyman, OCP DBA
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>[] On Behalf Of Tanel PÅ‘der
>>>Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 6:20 PM
>>>Subject: Re: The weekly quote "obligatory"
>>>IMHO, since this is a mailinglist, one should post here only when asking
>>>questions, answering questions or having something really interesting to
>>>Webpages should be for posting regular investigation results or whatever
>>>hints, so everyone can choose whether to read it or not.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Juan Cachito Reyes Pacheco" <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 12:58 AM
>>>Subject: The weekly quote "obligatory"
>>>>What do you think about this idea.
>>>>Every one have (only weekly) to put something
>>>>This can be something he learned,
>>>>Statictics, for example the statics reading a cursor normally in a
>>>>function and
>>>>reading the cursor using bulk.
>>>>Something interesting investigated.
>>>>This will enrich our knowledge, this will not be obligatory, but
>>>>Do you like the idea or not.?
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>>Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
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>Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
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>put 'unsubscribe' in the subject line.
>Archives are at
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-- Regards, Tim Johnston Tel: 978-322-4226 Fax: 978-322-4100 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: ---------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe send email to: put 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. -- Archives are at FAQ is at -----------------------------------------------------------------Received on Thu Mar 04 2004 - 12:10:46 CST
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