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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: moving a schema from prod to test (or vice versa) in 8i - no dbms_metadata
The way that I've done this in the past is as follows:
In the target database (new database):
1). Create any roles you need. Grant system privs and access to sys
objects to those roles as needed.
2). Create any database links that you might need.2). Create tablespaces.
These would be the same tablespace names that you currently have in your
source database.
3). Create the users that you need. Grant the privs/roles to those users
as required.
4). Perform schema exports from the source database.
5). Perform schema import into the target database.
By performing steps 1-3 before steps 4 & 5, you take care of any import errors you might experience during the import process. You might need to try this a couple of times noting any errors you get, and adjust your steps accoringly.
Oracle export/import is a great tool for doing just what you are looking to do.
Hope this helps.
Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben []
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 2:24 PM
To: Oracle-L_at_Freelists. Org
Subject: moving a schema from prod to test (or vice versa) in 8i - no
I have often needed to copy a schema to another database so I am working on a script to accomplish this. This could be an entirely new schema on the target database or may require a drop cascade and then recreate. I have checked all the usual web sites and have not found one. Does anyone have one they want to share? My effort so far has produced the following (work in progress ) pseudo script:
select 'create user TOSCHEMA identified by values '''||password||'''
default tablespace TOSCHEMA temporary tablespace TEMP;'
from sys.DBA_USERS
where username = 'FROMSCHEMA';
select 'grant '||GRANTED_ROLE||' to TOSCHEMA;'
where grantee = 'FROMSCHEMA';
select 'grant '||PRIVILEGE||' to TOSCHEMA;'
from sys.DBA_SYS_PRIVS
where grantee = 'FROMSCHEMA';
select 'alter user TOSCHEMA quota
||' on '||TABLESPACE_NAME||';'
from sys.DBA_TS_QUOTAS
where username = 'FROMSCHEMA';
select 'grant '||PRIVILEGE||' on '||OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME||' to TOSCHEMA'
||decode(GRANTABLE,'YES',' with grant option ;',';')
from sys.dba_tab_privs
where grantor='FROMSCHEMA' or grantee = 'FROMSCHEMA';
select 'grant '||PRIVILEGE||' ('||COLUMN_NAME||')'||' on
' to TOSCHEMA'||decode(GRANTABLE,'YES',' with grant option ;',';')
from sys.dba_col_privs
where grantor='FROMSCHEMA' or grantee = 'FROMSCHEMA';
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