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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re[2]: Moving db to linux
Hello Ray,
Try using the -ignoreSysPrereqs installer option.
I don't know that it's necessarily a bad thing that the installer checks for the required components, the ones that Oracle Database 10g has been certified against. In production, that should give some comfort that you do indeed have all the right software installed.
Best regards,
Jonathan Gennick --- Brighten the corner where you are * 906.387.1698 *
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Friday, February 27, 2004, 9:15:37 AM, Ray Stell ( wrote:
>> I cannot find the patch you mentioned in metalink: 3208258, can you find it?
RS> Sorry, I refused to go there, so I never tried to find any of these RS> "fixes". Just did a patch search, but found nothing. Oracle support RS> might be able to figure it out. I think it is silly to do these RS> patches. Backleveling the kernel opens all sorts of security holes. RS> This does not seem like a reasonable choice and is not reasonable RS> support from the vendor. RS> Another interesting note along this path. I was trying to confirm RS> the 10g cd I had burned was valid, so I ran the 10g installer on my RS> desktop Mandrake 9.x linux box. I run a 9i db for testing on it. ThereRS> are probably workarounds here, but I find it interesting that they would RS> do this:
RS> [oracle_at_moria mnt]$ uname -a
RS> Linux moria 2.4.19-36mdk #1 Fri Nov 28 21:15:25 MST 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
RS> [oracle_at_moria mnt]$ ./runInstaller
RS> Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
RS> Checking installer requirements...
RS> Checking operating system version: must be redhat-2.1, UnitedLinux-1.0 or redhat-3
RS> Failed <<<< RS> =============================================================== RS> Ray Stell (540) 231-4109 KE4TJC 28^D RS> ---------------------------------------------------------------- RS> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: RS> ---------------------------------------------------------------- RS> To unsubscribe send email to: RS> put 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. RS> -- RS> Archives are at> FAQ is at
RS> ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
-- Archives are at FAQ is at -----------------------------------------------------------------Received on Fri Feb 27 2004 - 08:59:38 CST
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